MT Clans
The Clan of the Vulture The last clan to split from Taansko has also become the most greatly changed. After centuries of following the nomadic lifestyle and drawing magic from the earth through the Sleeping Giant, a band of Taansko druids had decided to linger on the shores of a great lake in the middle…
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Long after the other four clans split from Taansko, a new clan arrived in Middengaard from across the southern sea. Driven from the continent of Iztan by The Empire, the Zehir appeared on the southwestern shores of Middengaard in search of new lands. Far from being refugees, the Zehir were aggressive and ambitious; it was…
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The Clan of the Fox It is hard to tell when exactly the split between Taansko and Vulpaa occurred, as so many of their customs and traditions remain similar. The stories recount that some Taansko nomads were restless, and splintered off in waves from the great migration. These restless groups criss-crossed the plains of Middengaard…
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Inspired by the ancestors of the Ulvriskar, others of the first great clan of humankind followed the call to leave their ever-migrating brothers and sisters and strike out on their own. These folk initially intended to join their friends and relations who had travelled north, but the western mountains took them in, fascinated them, and…
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The Clan of the Wolverine One of the first of the clans to set themselves apart from Taansko were the Ulvriskar. Their ancestors parted from the great Taanskic migration as it made its northwestern pass. This folk felt a calling from the north and yearned to take up a path of their own. Leaving the…
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The Clan of the Bison The Taansko are the eldest clan of Middengaard and may be the wisest. They are the ancestor clan from which all other clans sprang. Once hunter-gatherers, they now follow a nomadic life as cattle herders, as much for cosmological reasons as for practicality. Yet many of their traditions have been…
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